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Last updated 8.1.03

Jump5 becomes Jump4?>>>Click here for more...

New! Get the lyrics to Jump5's new single, "Why Do I Do"! Click here.
Accelerate Album Update>>>New single releases today...find out more in the "Tour Dates and Headlines" section...and talk about the new album at our J5 Message Boards!

New concert dates added>>>Some Jump5 concert pics (pics from Jump5.com and the Official Jump5 Community on MSN):

Check the News and Dates page to see where J5 will be next! Click the link on the left to see if they're coming to your area.!
Now you can link to J5OL on your website! Put these buttons on your site and link them to http://jump5online.freeservers.com. More to come soon.

Jump5 becomes Jump4?>>>Click here for more...
Thanks...>>> to everyone who sent their Jump5 experiences, pictures, and fan art.  But don't stop--keep sending them to webmaster@jump5fan.zzn.com, and we'll put them up on the page.
Keep coming!>>>Over 12K visitors and counting--keep visiting and tell your friends about j5ol.
contact me @ any time>>>webmaster@jump5fan.zzn.com.
Sign our guestbook>>>Be sure to sign the guestbook before you leave!  Thanks!