>Jump5 Jump4 Now?>>It's true...but only for a short time. Lesley's come down with mono, which means she can't be up for a while. Here's a letter she wrote (from Jump5.com):
Some of you probably heard that I am sick...and I am. It's nothing to be worried about, but I have MONO! A lot of people have had this illness before, I'm just not allowed to be up and walking around, much less dancing, singing, and traveling. My body is very prone to infection right now so I need to stay home and rest as much as I can. The doctor said the only thing I can do is sleep a lot, eat healthy, and take vitamins. I'm trying as hard as I can to get better. I miss you guys so much. I think you should give "Jump4" a hand, because the day I got sick and went to the emergency room for a high fever, they were at rehearsal working their tails off just to put on a good show for you guys!! Thanks so much for understanding, and hope to see you guys soon. Until then, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep!!!!
You can send Lesley get-well wishes at this address...
Lesley Moore c/o Maria Tipton | 101 Winners Circle | Brentwood, TN 37027...or e-mail her at lesley@jump5.com.
>New Album Releasing October 7!>>New album will be called Accelerate, and will come out on October 7! Here's why, according to Chris:
"When we chose the CD title we wanted it to represent that we were stepping up quickly to the next level. 'Accelerate', it's our way of saying that we are taking it to the next level in our faith, our music, and in our lives. Jump on, for an awesome ride."
Talk about the new album at our J5 Message Boards! Also... J5' new single, "Why Do I Do", releases August 1st, and is written by ZOEGirl especially for Jump5.
>Jump5's summer tour with Aaron Carter continues! The concert
dates with Aaron have his picture beside it.
>Here's where Jump5 will be in the next few months:
CHANGED!! 9/6/2003 | Indianapolis | TBD
9/13/2003 | Virginia Beach | Spring Branch Community Church | 757-333-7222
10/18/2003 | Ashland, NE | Ashaland State Park | 712-545-4000
10/31/2003 | Las Vegas | Canyon Ridge Christian Church | 702-658-2722
11/22/2003 | Hagerstown, MD | Maryland Theatre | 301-790-3500
12/5/2003 | Indianapolis | Indian Creek Christian Church 317-862-5998
12/6/2003 | Cinicnatti | Landmark Baptist Temple | 317-862-5998
12/12/2003 | Woodbridge, VA | Hylton Memorial Chapel | 800-861-0850
12/13/2003 Sewell, NJ | Washington Township Performing Arts Center | 609-654-8440
12/14/2003| New Holland, PA | Petra Christian Fellowship | 717-392-3206