[f a n   e x p e r i e n c e s]
Jump5 Online
Welocme to our fan Experiences and Fan Art Page!

Some of the Fan Experiences are edited for grammar and/or brevity causes.

From Moonlitskys03@aol.com:
I saw J5 on Aug. 3, 2002 in South Bend, IN along w/ Baha Men, A*Teens,and LMNT.  They were awesome!  I had 2nd row seats so I was right there.  They did all these flips and tumbling and they sang some new songs from their new album.  Brandon and Chris were smiling at my friend and me.  It was great.  Afterwards they were signing autographs so we went to get them.  First I got Brandon's.  I asked him if he'd take a picture with me and he said sure.  Then I asked him to sign my ticket.  He's sooo sweet and cute!  Next I saw Lesley so I went to get her autograph.  Then we went up to Chris and got his and I was going to ask him for a hug but they had to go.  I didnt get Brittany's or Libby's but that's ok.  It was still awesome!

From Italiprincess35@aol.com:
I saw Jump5 in concert yesterday. Chris is so hot and sweet!  He took pictures with me and everything.   I love them and can't wait to see them again. 

This picture is from bluefireangel@juno.com:

Another fan experience:
I went to Rooster Days and saw them in concert and I totally loved it.  They all were the best out there!  At first when I saw them walking around riding rides, I was about to have a heart attack--I just couldnt believe it was them! I saw Brittany and Lesley many times but I hardly saw the rest of the band.  When are they coming back to Oklahoma?  I live in Sapulpa and if they could do a concert at the "Mabee Center" in Jenks that would be so AWESOME!

From Kcandy31@aol.com
I had never heard of Jump5 untill I saw them at the Ateens concert in Minnesota.  It was really weird because we didn't know about the concert and we weren't even planning on going but we talked to the group LMNT and they said it would be good.  So we decided to go  and when we got there, Jump5 came on stage. I listened to them sing and I loved the music!  After they performed we ran out to go meet them and I was following Brandon around when he was signing autographs and I asked for a picture.   Brandon walked over to me and took one with me!  I have loved Jump5 ever since, and have all their CDs and videos!  I'm hoping that I'll meet them again soon--it would be a dream!'

This is from Eve--carterboysbabe@netscape.net
I've been a huge Jump5 fan for about a year. So when I heard that they were opening up for Aaron Carter, I was pscyhed! After the show, they were signing autographs at a table.  I didn't have a camera so i had them sign my sign.  They were all so sweet!  I told them that I liked them since they had braces and they started laughing.  I asked Chris to marry me and he said yes!  (lol)  Throughout the show, Brandon kept waving to me, and afterwards me and libby had a long conversation about girl stuff.  She's really nice and very down to earth. They all are nice, but I
just got to really talk to Libby though.

Here's one from XoJsGrl4LoX@aol.com:
I met them at Aaron Carter's Rock Rap and Retro show in NJ (PNC Bank Arts Center on Sept 12th). Brandon hugged me and Chris pinched my ear and I got a picture with both of them!

She also sent their autographs: